Sunday, February 20, 2011

Long time no see...

This poor blog has taken a back seat recently to a new little attention-hogger, who joined our family two weeks ago. I had been pretty much house-bound for the 6 weeks leading up to his arrival, so I wasn't in tune with all the goings-on at the store and couldn't provide many updates. But now that babe is here and well and ready to go for regular coffee dates, we should be able to get this puppy back up and running.

You may have noticed our sign in shambles in the snow (in fact, many people said they drove by to see Leo's birth announcement on the sign only to see the sign was not there!) We are updating and upgrading ourselves to a new and improved sign, coming soon!

Also our entire housewares department has been flipped perpendicularly! You can now see right down all of the aisles and we have some beautiful new feature ends. Fruits and Passions has moved across the aisle to its new home in Gourmet.

Baby also got a renovation with changed fixtures and additional space (again!) to make room for all the new things we have on the way.

Gingersnaps got a bit of a change-up as well, and so did our website!

You can now view current flyers and the catalogs directly from our website. (Check out the Bath and Kitchen planner, awesome!)

Well, that's all for now. We're hatching some plans for March so watch for more details soon!