Thursday, June 4, 2009

Be Our Guest

It's always nice to have visitors and we recently had some from Southern Alberta come to visit the store. Regular readers of the blog, they came for a look and some shopping. The picture shows one of our "fans" with her new beach bag, hat and necklace from Personal Expressions--looking good!


  1. Great post, Tasha! Donna's in seventh heaven. Her head's so swelled, we can't fit her thru the bedroom door!

    Dale Chenoweth

  2. Thank you for my fleeting moment of fame, Tasha. I actually have zero delusions of grandeur, but you made me happy, both with my pic, and also by eliciting memories of long ago in your lyrical description of your wee one.
    Keep up the splendid work.

    Donna C.

  3. You look like a movie star Donna! It must be all those AQUAFIT workouts, dahling... the smile on your face tells me that you had a wonderful time toodling around Lloydminster, you're absolutely glowing! Have fun discovering our other Alberta treasures!

    Dena S.
