Friday, June 5, 2009

BBQ Adventure update

So last week (I think?) Jeff and I made BBQ'd pizzas. We used this recipe from Martha. I think I might need to knead it more (or less?) or do a better job kneading, because I personally would have liked a silkier crust. This crust was good, don't get me wrong, but I am going to try that next time. Another qualm with the recipe--I think it called for too much flour--I think it should have had 4 or 4 1/2 cups, so keep that in mind if you try it.

This recipe makes 4 pizzas-- we made 2 and froze the rest of the dough (I will give you an update on how that turns out as well). We decided to go classic margherita style. I used a store bought sauce, which I will skip next time (yuck--bitter) and basil from our new herbs from the garden centre. (Looking for herbs, tomatoes, vegetables? ALL the way baaaccckk (that's how we tell customers) in the vegetable greenhouse, at the back of annuals.) I like the sweet basil, it's not too strong. (Another side note--Iron Chef America was all about basil the other night. I missed the end but in the run down on basil, Alton Brown declared that genovese is the most common and thai is the strongest. There--you learned something today!) So, back to my story, next time I will make my own sauce, possibly this one (and possibly I will try this recipe next time, too). One important tip I learned is when making margherita pizza, put the basil on
after it is cooked. This creates a fresher taste.

Back to the BBQ--we tried putting the pizza on a pizza pan and putting it directly on the grill. We preferrred it on the grill--it cooked faster and felt more exciting. The technique we used called for us to cook one side then top the cooked side and return to the grill (to grill the bottom and warm the toppings). It was a little hectic bringing it back and forth inside, next time I would have everything out by the grill. But I think this is the way to go, much like when you cook pancakes you add the berries/chocolate chips/etc after cooking the first side.

Anyway, there is your update! Give it a try and let us know what worked and what didn't. Join us again next time for our next BBQ Adventure!

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