Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spring a ding ding

Where the heck is spring? I thought I saw it a few weeks ago and then, blam, more snow.
We always joke with other HH dealers about Garden season in our zone (2A, doesn't get much lower!) and how it isn't unusual to have our pansies tucked into a blanket of snow in May. (Good things pansies can take the cold!)

It's just frustrating for the constant back-and-forth between spring and winter coats, rubber boots and mukluks, warm days spent outside playing and getting stuck in the frozen snow/ice ruts in our cul-de-sac.

We were lucky enough to escape to a sunnier destination for a week and it snowed while we were away! I was almost feeling bad leaving such beautiful weather. We got this shot of the kids on the beach. And while a vacation with kids is decidedly different from one without (i.e. there will be no relaxing and reading magazines by the pool, especially with a 1 yr old who thinks he can swim by himself!) it is always nice to be anywhere where you don't have to do the cooking and cleaning! And a treat to be able to just enjoy the kids and the time together. How do you bide the time till Spring?

We've been killing time on Pinterest, and the store has a new page! You can find us here Our page is a vast collection of all kinds of great ideas, curated mainly by my Dad (who has a massive collection himself!) Some things will be products or items you can find in the store, and others will be project ideas or recipes. If you haven't tried Pinterest, you must. They describe it as a Pinboard for all the things you like on the internet. An easier way to think of it is as picture-bookmarks. You "pin" the images on the web that you find and like, and save them on a "board" (for example, Recipes). Then later on you can skim the images and see those French Toast Muffins you've been meaning to try, and open the link to the recipe. You can also browse other people's pins and copy them to your own boards. It is such a great way to discover new things! Then the trick is to actually MAKE or TRY or SEE or READ the great new things you discovered. My friend found a great pin for Animal Jars that she then made with her kids. Another friend made a Button Collage for her son's room. I have made LOTS of recipes--because I am addicted to new recipes. My food board is bursting at the seams so I now have to diversify into categories--I think I have over 1000 things I want to try! (Just imagine all those in addition to the massive piles of recipes ripped out of magazines--oh boy!)

New arrivals of Robeez Spring Shoes and Socks are just in, and SOOOOO cute. Also Spring Scarves and Purses!

We also have a new girl in Gingersnaps and we're revamping the menu, and making our menu boards easier to navigate. You can still sample our St Patty's Day treats for the rest of the month (Mint Chocolate Chip Cookies, Mint Mocha, Irish Cream Latte--they all have my name on them!) Check out this week's menu here We're gonna have our menus posted on the webpage in advance so you can plan which day(s) you'd like to stop by :)

Also our SPRING FLING SALE is on until the end of the month. Save up to 50% off on select furniture, silk plants, picture frames and decor!

That's all for now!

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome picture!!! It alsmot made me want to get Facebook so I could see more pictures of your kids...soon, soon.
    I have broken my 100 pin limit on Pinterest, so I am now too in over my head! But I love it! SO SO SO many great activity ideas for kids! I though if it gets nice enough here today we might try adding food colour to bubble blow & pooping the bubbles onto paper to make a cool picture, or fingerprinting, or paper mache....see? I can't even decide!!!!!!
