Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Assembling BBQs and Ordering 'Baby'...

It's -35 this morning, -47 with the windchill, and mom said no one is allowed doing anything outside. We sent Peter outside anyway, armed with a notepad and a marker to take note of all the BBQs that are already assembled (so as not to duplicate).

Tasha just called to tell me about some hooded towels Bebe Au Lait is selling. Hannah's cutting a tooth.

Yesterday I drove back up to the show in Edmonton. Our rep, Leah, told me there was a line I just had to see- product by Rio Rain ( http://www.riorain.com/ ) a company out of Vancouver that uses the original lululemon fabric (you know, the stuff that lasted for years without pilling or fading.. that is, before they moved their production to China). The product is really pretty- simple, but fashionable. All sustainable fibers (even some hoodies made out of recylced pop bottles). Totally my style.. the only problem is, we're not a fashion store!

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