Saturday, January 30, 2010

February Tea of the Month

The Provence Rooibos is a top grade herbal tea from South Africa. This delicious tea includes Rooibos, rosehip shells, dried black currants, rose leaves, lavender, raisins, dried red currants, rose petals, and dried blueberries.

Rooibos, meaning Red Bush in Afrikaans, is grown at the altitude of 2000 feet above sea level in the Cedarberg region. Fermentation of the Rooibos turns the leaves from green to deep red and gives a slight sweet note. When brewed this tea produces a reddish orange liquid with a sweet fruity taste and a floral aroma.

Enjoy a cup of loose leaf tea freshly brewed for you!!! Special Tea of the Month price $1.68

PS--This is a red tea, for Valentine's Day. Why not share a pot with someone you love?

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