Friday, April 24, 2009

What's in Your Water?

Ever fill a child's backyard pool with water from a hose? Or let them sneak a sip from that hose, or run through the sprinkler it's connected to?

Did you know that most garden hoses contain toxic chemicals - ones that are known to cause cancer, infertility, brain damage, developmental difficulties, among other things.

Most garden hoses- and their fittings- are made with dirty materials that often contain lead.
Lead is a potent neurotoxin. There is no amount of lead that's safe for a child.

And this is what we're watering our gardens with?

I was shocked and sickened to hear this, too. So we've sourced a hose that is made of 'clean' material- virgin latex- and water from this hose is safe to drink, play in, or water your garden with. See the girls in seasonal to get yours today.

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