Monday, November 23, 2009

Clean Teeth, Naturally

Druide's certified organic toothpaste contains Calcium Lactate which fights tartar deposits and ensures local mineralization (helps the teeth enamel). The organic essential oils act together with soft abrasive agents and strengthen the gum tissues.

Available in 4 flavors:

Cinnamon: Desensitizing and fungicidal.

Anise: Refreshing and purrifying.

Mint-Lemon: Very refreshing. Efficient and potent mouthwash action.

Banana: Very mild. Ideal for children. Delicious natural banana flavor obtained from dried fruit.

A customer of ours personally testified to the excellence of this product. After switching to Druide, the dental hygenist informed her that, rather than 6 month recalls, one cleaning a year would be sufficient.

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