Monday, November 9, 2009

A Special Little Something...

Check out Home Expressions for our new arrivals of these wonderful frames and signs. Heartwarming and charming, these are perfect for your home or as a gift and our expanded selection has something for everyone.

The story of this company is endearing, and here it is for your enjoyment, in what they refer to as "The Cheesy Poem" of their beginnings:

A red barn is the home where their story begins
with an antique wood stove and brick floors.
In their heart burns a Town with more people than jobs
and a Dream they might help bring in more.

More jobs to this town where the teens all move north

and the rest search in vain for employment.
Might two brothers and wives help bring work to this town
building pride and (what else rhymes?) enjoyment?

Annie kicks off the Dream by designing some frames.

They’re unique and they’re painted by hand.
Then they head for a show with one Dream and twelve SKUs
and they’re met with enormous demand.

They race back to the shop and start figuring how

to make frames more than one at a time.
Soon the Grandmas are painting while the Grandpas are packing.
It’s a family assembly line.

Now the whole clan’s involved on both sides of the family,

but the workload is getting them down.
So they cry out for help and before you can blink
they’re the largest employer in town.

Still Main Street sits empty – shops all boarded up

due to Walmart, closed mines, fiscal blahs.
Then some look to Gambling to help save the day.
Quoth they, “It’ll save us! Hoorah!”

So they throw all their weight against this horrible menace.

“There’s a better solution. Let’s find it!”
When the smoke finally clears, gambling fails to get votes.
All the Sane see it just doesn’t fit.

But now what will they do? Just say “NO!” or lead change?

So they pick up an old Five ‘n Dime.
With a hot renovation, Danielson Dry Goods is born
and they show how old Main Street can shine.

With a store and frame business, life is full to the brim.

And you’ll find in Ann’s artwork and verse
that the message they bear is the lesson she’s learned:
Friends and family have to come first.

That surrounding yourself with the ones that you love

and enjoying the smile of a friend,
are two of God’s greatest gifts and things not to be lost
as we wind through life’s journey. The End.

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